From a Chance Encounter to Award-Winning Documentary: The Story Behind Fellinopolis
A mutual friend from Toronto put us in touch. So, we decided to meet in Rome. The idea was to create a short video for the Gallery of Human Migration, of which Rocco is the founder. It’s a non-profit organization with the goal of raising awareness about the transformative value of migration in a positive sense, thanks to its ability to generate culture.
It’s March 8, 2019 and Rocco, Silvia Giulietti, and I are sitting in front of a cup of coffee at Osteria Giulietta Vino e Cucina on Via Giulia, near the Mascherone. What happened that day significantly overshadowed the scope of our meeting. We discovered that Silvia, who was still a teenager at the time, began her acting career at one of the film studios where her mother worked as an administrator, Gaumont Italia. She was able to see the complete production process of the films being made at Cinecittà at the time.
During that time, she worked as an assistant and set photographer on the sets of Federico Fellini, Mauro Bolognini, Andrei Tarkovsky, Ettore Scola, Liliana Cavani, and Lina Wertmüller, to mention a few. She gradually increased her technical duties, polishing her skills in a variety of roles ranging from assistant operator to camera woman and director of photography. Beginning in the early 1980s, she travelled the world with Armando Nannuzzi and spent time in the United States at Dino De Laurentiis’ studios for a Stephen King movie. She has collaborated with Dino Risi, Luigi Comencini, FrancoZeffirelli, Alberto Sordi, Luchino Visconti and many others during her career.
In 2004, she established her own independent production business, iFrame, to focus entirely on the production of short films, documentaries, music videos, advertisements, and live concert videos. In 2018, she produced “La Morte Legale,” a documentary on the making of the film “Sacco e Vanzetti,” directed by Giuliano Montaldo and scored by Ennio Morricone.
Recognizing her journey, Rocco saw in her the appropriate person to create something extraordinary for the centenary of the birth of the famous director Federico Fellini (1920–2020): a documentary that would present a unique version of his history, both artistically and humanly. A valuable diamond to gift to Canada and the rest of the world. Silvia sensed the call and worked her magic.
Fellinopolis Sheds New Light on the Iconic Filmmaker Federico Fellini
Silvia was able to construct a documentary that connects the pastand the present through interviews and statements from Fellini’s closest collaborators and trusted partners, presenting an unprecedented portrayal of the artist, thanks to Ferruccio’s availability. Characters such as Ferruccio Castronuovo, Lina Wertmüller, Nicola Piovani, Dante Ferretti, Maurizio Millenotti, and Norma Giacchero gave voice to the recollections, detailing Fellinopolis’ world! The title has a significant meaning, which you will discover after watching the documentary.
Fellinopolis is an Award-Winning Documentary
Silvia finished Fellinopolis and submitted it to the ICFF in Toronto.
The Italian Contemporary Film Festival in Canada (ICFF) is a significant exposition of cinema that encourages discovery, admiration, and pride in Italian heritage. The ICFF is proudly Canadian and shows worldwide films that challenge traditional ideas on complicated and engaging themes affecting both the Italian and global communities.
In the midst of the pandemic, the 9th edition of the festival, ICFF at Home, took place online from November 29th to December 8th and was entirely dedicated to Federico Fellini.
The documentary Fellinopolis won the award for Best Documentary and served as the festival’s online opening.
Interview with Silvia Giulietti
Watch this interview with Silvia Giulietti, conducted by Cristiano de Florentiis, Artistic Director and Co-Founder of the ICFF with Rocco Maragna.
The documentary’s concept is a wonderful story that appears to be a manifestation of the whispering spirit of Giulietta, Fellini’s wife, seated with us at that table in Osteria Giulietta on Via Giulia in Rome.